: The Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge also called as DIGITAL Thickness Measuring Meter (D METER) used to measure the thickness of metal plates. Different ranges of D Meter available in market for measurement of thickness & find their application in industrial areas also in local areas for measurement of thickness.
                The concept of thickness measurement performed based on the ultrasonic waves pass from probe of D Meter through the given solid metal and reading in digital format shows on the display of meter.
               The main Technic performed by the instrument is that the waves emitted from probe and also reflect the same waves which recorded and readings shows on display.
                To get perfect and accurate result it is required to make perfect contact between the prob of instrument and solid surface (ie. Metal).
             Some thickness gauge require oily or liquid type paste to make proper contact between material surface and probe. In pressure vessels basically the thickness of plates measured by digital thickness meter.As compared to measure the thickness by Vernier scale the thickness meter shown proper and digital readings on display. In some areas where the thickness of material not possible to measure by Vernier scale or micrometer at that condition the ultrasonic thickness meter used. For ex. The thickness of dished ends after forming measured by D Meter because Vernier or micro meter unable to use. Thickness measurement of dished end after forming by D meter shown below,


       Different types of models available in market, the probe by which we measure thickness is shown below,

          Some of the thickness gauge model calibrated by step gauge, step gauge consist of multiple numbers of steps by which we can calibrate the thickness measuring machine each step on step gauge consisting 1,2,3...etc mm thickness.
      Picture of step guage shown below,

             Some of advantage and disadvantage of ultrasonic thickness meter shown below,
1.  During measurement of thickness of material not required both sides access to measure the thickness of given material.
2.  If we make proper contact between probe and material surface thickness meter gives exact with height accuracy results.
3.  As compared to other measuring instruments this meter is portable and not required any lab,equipment easily checking done by meter.
4.  Cheap equipment as compared to other equipment.
5.  Easily repaired.
6.  As per our requirement different types, different measuring capacity with different make of digital ultrasonic thickness meter available in market.

Now we see some disadvantage of thickness meter,

1.  While measuring the thickness of material required calibration for each type of material.
2.  If the material is rusted, meter not shown readings.
3.   Required good and proper contact between surface of material and probe.
4.  Device required to calibrate in each interval of time (ie 6 moths or 12 months).

   The calibration of device is done by calibration agency in specific interval of time, the calibration agency provide calibration certificate contain Item description,condition of item,range of item,specific serial no,date of calibration, due date,calibration readings & equipment use for calibration.
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