VERNIER CALLIPER:

                                        Vernier caliper is measuring instrument used to measure linear measurement , consisting two jaws which close lightly on the object to be measured and measurement is done. Vernier scale consisting two graduate scales, top scale & bottom scale, top scale dimensions are in Inch and the bottom scale is in metric scale  so if we want to check dimensions in metric (mm , cm etc) then we use bottom scale and if we want to check the dimensions of object in inch then use top scale.
                 Two scales is on Vernier one is fixed and other is sliding scale, on fixed scale mentioned centimeters and millimeters numbers. 
                  Vernier caliper basically used in laboratories for measuring linear measurement of objects. Also Vernier caliper find their application in medicine science areas, manufacturing areas for quality control measurement. The digital dial Vernier caliper picture shown below,



    The main scale and Vernier scale differ from each other by there segments, clear from below picture.



                      In above picture the Vernier scale gas 25 divisions and the main scale has 24 divisions as in same length. The Vernier scale divisions shorter than main scale clear from above picture.
                      Many types of Vernier calipers available in market as Measurement on ruled scale, dial or digital display type Vernier scales. The main function of Vernier scale is the jaws of Vernier is fit across the edged of object then caliper is remove and the distance between two jaws shown on scale which is the reading we measured.
         Least count : Least count of measuring instrument is the smallest value or readings that can be measured by the instrument. The least count of Vernier is 0.02mm.
        We see the main parts of Vernier scale,
1.  Jaws (inside) : for measurement of external length of object.

2.  Jaws (outside) : for measurement of internal lenghth of object.

3.  Vernier Top scale : for measurement of readings in Inch.

4.  Vernier Bottom scale : for measurement of readings in metric scale.

5.  Depth probe : for measurement of depth.

6.  Sliding arm.

7.  Locking screw.

        In all other measuring instruments the vernier caliper is one of the most used application in industries & laboratories.

   Readings of Vernier scale is easy and quick. It is also note that Vernier caliper is required well calibrated before use.
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