In this article we discuss about procedure and requirements, acceptance criterion of Radiographic Testing (RT) for welds for discontinuities.
  • Applicable standards:
I) ASME SEC. V ARTICLE 2 (Non-destructive examination code).
II) ASME SEC. VIII DIV. 1 appendix 4.0.
                  Radio graphic examination is employed for find internal discontinuities such as porosity, cracks, voids, inclusions, inadequate penetration, lack of fusion etc.
  • Radio-graphic Procedure Required data :
     The procedure for RT examination (Radiographic Examination) contain following information,
1)     Type of material.
2)     Thickness of material.
3)     Film designation.
4)     Type of screen.
5)     Maximum source size.
6)     Main isotopes type
7)     Minimum source to film distance.
                   The density of RT film checked by Densitometer, sometimes step wedge also used. The selection of film is major task because the image quality requirements depends on the film selection. one penetrameter is used for each RT film The area of uniform density determine by densitometer within minus 15% or plus 30%.In case of spherical vessels the source is located at center of vessel and minimum penetrameters shall be spaced approximately 120 degree apart. Unexposed film shall be stored in such a way that film not expose to light, pressure, humidity, heat etc.
                     The film processing is major process which done by equipment, with help of washing agent, developer, fixer, drying equipment. Basically, processing of film in which following steps involved,
1)     Development of film.
2)     Stop bath
3)     Fixation
4)     Washing of film
5)     drying
  • IQI (Image Quality Indicator)
                        Radiography shall be performed with sufficient sensitivity to display the penetrameter image and also specify the type of penetrameter or IQI. Generally, IQI consist of two types
1)     Hole type IQI.
2)     Wire type IQI.
  •   Interpretation:
                        Discontinuities in welds is interpreted on film and acceptance of that defect or discontinuities done as per specification & codes.
                     ACCEPTANCE STANDARD(as per code):
  • For Full Radiography –
1) Any type of cracks and incomplete fusion of penetration not acceptable.
2) Any elongated indication which has length greater than,
1) ¼ inch (6.4mm) for t upto ¾ inch (19mm) include
2) 1/3 t for t from ¾ inch to 2 ¼ inch (19mm to 57 mm) include.
3) ¾ inch (19mm) for t over 2 ¼ inch (57mm)
Where t is thickness of high thickness plate.
4) Align indications having length grater than t in length of 12t unless minimum distance between successive indications exceeds 6L.
5) Rounded indications is acceptable as per code.
For Full Radiography –
1) Any type of cracks and incomplete fusion of penetration not acceptable.
2) Weld in which slag inclusions, cavities not acceptable.
3) Rounded indications are not factor in acceptability of weld not required to fully radio graphed.
The acceptance criterion shown code as shown detail in code.



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