The main purpose of welding symbols on drawing is to transfer the information from design department to workshop.
       Welding symbols used to reduce the number of words on engineering drawing so we can save  time and space.once we familiar with weld symbols, we understand the actual weld of that particular joint.
        Numbers, root gap root space, groove angle, length of the weld, type of welding to be done etc. all information expressed by welding symbol because of this the welding symbols on engineering drawings expressed large no. of information of given weld.
        Without good and proper knowledge of WELD SYMBOLS the welding inspector unable to understand the scope of work. It is important to understand clear and exact meaning of symbols in engineering drawings for proper work. Below show some important parameters which should know the welding inspector as,
The arrow line:

               The unbroken straight line which must touch the  joint called arrow line.

  • Reference line:-

                Always the reference line must touch to the arrow line which is generally parallel. This line shows the weld joint of job by arrow the symbol shown below,



  • Symbolic Representation :-

                                                             The symbol is  mostly same in the all codes & standard only slightly differences  as per different standards ,the concept of arrow side and other side may differ from standard to standard.

  •   Other Information :-

                                                          In other information consisting welding process, type of geometry, type of NDT, welding profile and other supplementary requirements as per client which differ from standard.

                             In fabrication work the mostly used some of weld joints shown below,
                                                                           Sometimes some  items or part of job welded at site and required to  dispatch with job in such cases flag type weld symbol used as shown below, Ex. Washer of base in in pressure vessels is not welded by manufacturer required to welded at site after installation of job in such cases the side weld symbol is used.

                            This symbol used in engineering drawing indicate the fillet weld encircle the given joint. In this symbol the circle placed on the main intersection of arrow line and reference line. Shown below the symbolic representation of Weld All Around Weld joint.                             

                                                                                                                 Shown below the common in general work used symbols,

                  A) SINGLE/DOUBLE BEVEL JOINT :
                                              In joint if bevel cuts in one direction (either left or right) of the given joints called single beveled joint and if bevel cuts in both direction of given joint called double beveled.       

                  B) SQUARE BUTT WELD JOINT :
                                          Two flat parts which parallel to each other joints welded by square but weld as symbol shown above fig. square butt welding generally done by gas or arc welding this type of welding is simple as compared to other type of welding but some restrictions forms due to thickness of joint.
                   C) SINGLE/DOUBLE V WELD JOINT :
                                            Single v weld joint is mostly similar to bevel joint only difference is that in bevel joint only on side is beveled instead of in single v both edges beveled also in double v all edges beveled. Generally single v is used when the job material thickness up-to 19.05 mm & double v is used when job material thickness exceeds 19.05 mm.

                    D) SPOT WELD JOINTS :
                        the welding of overlapping pieces of metal at small points is done by spot welds.The welding is prefer unto job material thickness 3 mm.

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