As we know inspection is main activity in fabrication and any other field so during inspection large numbers of factors which is considered lets we discuss the parameters to be checked during inspection of different grades of Plates, Pipes and Flanges.

   Checking of mill test certificates:

                                                           Mill Test certificates or MTC’s (Material Test Certificates) is also known as Mill Test Report (MIR) is the certificate of that particular product like plates, pipes etc provided by manufacturer who certify the mechanical and chemical properties and other additional technical specifications of the respective items. Basically Material Test Certificates is the quality assurance document. All items like Forging, Plates, Pipes MTC’s is provided by the manufacturer with the product. So, we discuss about the things that required to check in MTC or Mill Test Certificate during inspection.

                          When The vendor required the material of plates, pipes, forge etc, The vendor provide TDC (Technical Data Sheet) to manufacturer. The TDC is the document on the basis of that document the material is order this data sheet consisting all necessary data required as per client or the code requirement of the specification so manufacturer provided the material on the basis of TDC.

                          Material Test Certificate provides all necessary data about the product for example, If we purchase plates from manufacturer, the manufacturer provides MTC’s of that respective product  and which is required to review by inspection agency before processing for further process so following parameters are present in MTC’s as,

  • Manufacturer’s Name: First, the Manufacturer name is shown on MTC’S at Top with address of the plant. Manufacturer is one which making the material, some well-known manufacturer’s named as ESSAR STEEL, SAIL, METINVST, MAHARASHTRA SEAMLES, R.D. FORGE etc.


  • Test Certificate Number : Test Certificate Number is one unique number for particular test certificate for transability of the certificate’s.


  • Process Route: The Process Route of the material is the process through which material is making which consisting different stages, For example.

                VD (Vacuum Degassing)

                CCM (Continuous Casting Method)

                 RHF (Rotary Hearth Furnace)

                 Plate Rolling

                 Furnace Normalizing. Etc

  • NDT requirements: UT (Ultrasonic Testing) as per code requirements is required or not is checking while review if Test Certificate’s.

  • P.O. Number: The P.O. Number is Purchase Order Number an unique assigned number against that P.O. Number material is supplied. The Purchase Order Number will be referenced throughout the transaction process by both vendor and manufacturer.

  • Customer Name: On material Test Certificate the customer no is mentioned.

  • Product Specification: Different grades of material required for fabrication for example For Plates: SA 516 Gr.60/70, SA 537 CL.1,IS 2062 E250

               For Pipes: SA 333 Gr. 3/6, SA 106 GR. B Etc.

  •       Certification : Test Certificate also mentioned certification consisting as   2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.1A/B/C Each have specific meaning.

                     So, the specification is mentioned on Material Test Certificate as per the product specification of the material.

  • Heat No./Plate No./Batch No.: Every product like plates, pipes flanges the each product have heat no and plate no same to be mentioned on actual material .One heat number have no of plates.


For Example: H-C98128             H-C98128

                        P-RG782125/1     P-RG782125/1

  •  Size,Qty and Weight of  Product: Size with quantity and the weight is mentioned on Material Test Certificate’s so its required to check the given material with size which is mentioned in Test Certificate.

         For Example For Plates,  Size(mm)                  Weight (Mt.)     Qty.

                                               T X W X L                      7.238               5

                                          30 X 2500 X 12000


  • Mechanical Properties: This factor is most important while review of Material Test Certificates Mechanical Properties contain

       1)    Yield Strength. (YS)

       2)    Ultimate Tensile Strength. (UTS)

       3)    % of Elongation. (%EL)

       4)    Impact Testing (If required)

                          Other any additional testing’s as per specification mentioned on respective material and grades in Material Test Certificate’s.

  •   Chemical Analysis: Chemical Analysis obtained from a sample during the poring of material. Chemical Analysis is mentioned in percentages (% of element) . Two types of analysis as LA (Ladle Analysis) or Heat Analysis and PA (Product Analysis) consisting % of elements as C (Carbon), Mn (Manganese), S(Sulphur), P (Phosphorus), Si (Silicon), Cr(Chromium), Ni(Nickel), Cu(Copper), Ti(Titanium),V (Vanadium), Nb(Niobium), Mo(Molybdenum), Al(Aluminum), etc and Carbon Equivalent so the all % of elements as per respective code grade of specification acceptable or not is checked while review of Test Certificate.

The Carbon Equivalent (CE) is generally calculated by formula,

            CE = C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+9Ni+Cu)/15

Typical example of Sample of Test Certificate for reference shown below,


    Other required additional testing's and requirements as per code specification mentioned on test certificates as shown below for reference,


                         For example, for If if want to review the Material Test Certificate of SA 516 Gr.60 then we go to ASME SEC. II part B as see the SA516 and all mechanical testing’s and Chemical Compositions either in limit or not required to check as Review of Test Certificate before processing the product in process.

Other data and testing’s like Grain Structure, Surface conditions, Hardness testing, killed or semi-killed or other client tolerances is mentioned as per requirements of the material.

                       The monogram (Symbol) of manufacturer, Plate Number, Heat Number, Size, Specification, UT Code is hard punched on the material and same to be mentioned in Material Test Certificate’s so during inspection or identification of the material its Quality Inspectors Duty to check all the given material’s Test Certificate’s Heat No Plate No, and other data is matched or not.

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