ALIGNMENT CHECKING

     Basically, arrangement in s straight line is called as alignment

1        1)  Axis Alignment.

2        2)  Surface Alignment.


                               The axis alignment used for pressure vessel, column, storage tank for proper straightness of whole job. Axis Alignment is checked with axis of job. The axis alignment checked on respective four orientation of vessel by rotating the shells of vessel. In axis alignment measure the perpendicular distance between plumb line and horizontal line (See Pic.001) and record.

           Diagrammatical view of checking of Axis Alignment as shown below,


The reading record as per table shown below,


The axis alignment of vessel check by following method,

     1) Firstly, plot the points on Graph paper with suitable scale

     2) Draw the best fit line to pass through all points on graph.

     3) The maximum distance measured from the line is the maximum Out of Alignment.

     4) Find out maximum out of alignment in both the planes and note as (A) 0-180 Degree.   Readings 90-270 degree. Readings


   5) Repeat the process for the same 90-270-degree orientation by rotating the shell of vessel



                                           The typical example of measurement of vessel dimensions for surface alignment as shown below,


The method of checking surface alignment as shown below,

  1) Firstly, level the shell at main degrees orientation (0,90,180 & 270 Degrees) vertically or horizontally.

  2) Drop the pair of plumbs near each Circular seam and on both ends.

  3) Put twins horizontally on both sides of shell.

  4) Maintain equal distance at both ends of sections between horizontal twins and plumb.

  5) Then measure the perpendicular distance between other plumbs and horizontal twins and records the reading in table (See Pic.005) as shown below,

  6) Rotate the job 90 degree and repeat the same process for the other orientations and record the readings.

  Surface Alignment = Maximum Reading – Minimum Reading.


  Surface alignment for different shell Thickness:

        The dimension settings at ends and decided taking in to consideration of shell thickness (See Pic.006) and for remaining repeat the same procedure.



   Important Note : The shell or ovality of the shell shall be controlled within the limit in order to get better alignment of Job.

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